Biar blog ini berwarna aku akan masukkin review singkat tentang penginapan dan tempat menarik! Setuju? Sip kalau begitu! Kali ini aku akan me-review hotel yang jadi tempat peristirahatan aku dan 6 blogger yang memenangkan Writer hunt dari priceza Indonesia di Bangkok Januari silam. Cuplikan kegiatan kami ada di sini.
I think I'd like to make a little change for this blog, by posting short review about interesting places I've ever been, how does that sound? Interesting isn't it? This time I'll make short review about Ibis Bangkok Sathorn Hotel-the place for all winners of Writers Hunt competition held by Priceza Indonesia stay during our 3D2N trip in Bangkok! Click here if you're curious about what we're doing in Bangkok for 3 days!
I think I'd like to make a little change for this blog, by posting short review about interesting places I've ever been, how does that sound? Interesting isn't it? This time I'll make short review about Ibis Bangkok Sathorn Hotel-the place for all winners of Writers Hunt competition held by Priceza Indonesia stay during our 3D2N trip in Bangkok! Click here if you're curious about what we're doing in Bangkok for 3 days!
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Hotel ibis Bangkok Sathorn
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Hotel ibis Bangkok Sathorn |
Aku bukan orang yang sering traveling sendirian, biasanya ada yang nemenin. Malah baru kali ini jalan-jalan keluar negeri sendirian. Paniknya orang rumah jangan ditanya ya.. Sampe pening dengerinnya haha. Rasanya kagok sendirian ngurusin ini-itu di bandara tapi seru!
I don't travel alone, usually there's one or two family member accompany me. This time when I had a chance to go to other country I went alone! Don't remind me how concered my family were.. Almost had migraine listening to their rambling lol. I was so clumsy to go to airport do this and that by myself but it's a great experience for me! Here are some photos I took when I was there.
I don't travel alone, usually there's one or two family member accompany me. This time when I had a chance to go to other country I went alone! Don't remind me how concered my family were.. Almost had migraine listening to their rambling lol. I was so clumsy to go to airport do this and that by myself but it's a great experience for me! Here are some photos I took when I was there.
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Hotel ibis Bangkok Sathorn |
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Hotel ibis Bangkok Sathorn |
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Hotel ibis Bangkok Sathorn |
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Hotel ibis Bangkok Sathorn |
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Hotel ibis Bangkok Sathorn |
Staff di hotelnya bisa berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris jadi jangan ragu untuk tanya-tanya! Waktu kelar jalan-jalan dan pulang jam 11 maleman aku nge-test koneksi wifi-nya dan sayangnya nggak bisa. Langsung kutelepon resepsionisnya. Terus aku disuruh nunggu 'pertolongan' dari staff-nya dan sayangnya dia juga ngga ngerti T_T akhirnya dia ngajak aku untuk kebawah buat benerin sambungan wifi-nya.
All staff are able to speak in English so don't hesitate to ask them for help! After I got there at 1 am or so I tried to test the wifi but there's a problem that made me unable to access the wifi. First move I took is call the receptionist. She sent a guy to solve this problem but he was confused as well with the pops-up long written text and asked me to follow him to meet the staff downstairs.
All staff are able to speak in English so don't hesitate to ask them for help! After I got there at 1 am or so I tried to test the wifi but there's a problem that made me unable to access the wifi. First move I took is call the receptionist. She sent a guy to solve this problem but he was confused as well with the pops-up long written text and asked me to follow him to meet the staff downstairs.
Dibantu dengan mba yang masih cantik malem-malem, dalam beberapa menit akhirnya aku bisa ngakses internet! Cus, langsung nelepon mama. 2 jempol buat servis dan para staf-nya yang ramah dan sabar membantuku di tengah malam! Bayangin kalo aku yang jadi si mba-nya, pasti mukaku pasti udah lecek ala kertas bungkus cabe di pasar.
The pretty lady kindly helped me out! It only took few minutes and I was able to connected to wifi~~ Then I called my mom to tell how was my first day in Bangkok. 2 thumbs up for great service even it's midnight!! They're friendly and patient >w<
Kamar yang kutinggali bersih dan didesain sederhana namun cozy. Kamu bisa santai beristirahat ditemani dengan fasilitas TV, AC,tempat tidur yang nyaman. Ada pemanas air juga lho~ Yang mau bikin minuman anget-anget atau makanan instan, monggo~ Uniknya, hotel ini ngebolehin kamu bawa hewan peliharaan lho!
The pretty lady kindly helped me out! It only took few minutes and I was able to connected to wifi~~ Then I called my mom to tell how was my first day in Bangkok. 2 thumbs up for great service even it's midnight!! They're friendly and patient >w<
Kamar yang kutinggali bersih dan didesain sederhana namun cozy. Kamu bisa santai beristirahat ditemani dengan fasilitas TV, AC,tempat tidur yang nyaman. Ada pemanas air juga lho~ Yang mau bikin minuman anget-anget atau makanan instan, monggo~ Uniknya, hotel ini ngebolehin kamu bawa hewan peliharaan lho!
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messy, I know =_= |
The room I stayed in is clean and has cozy designed. In this room you may enjoy yousrelf with TV, aircon, shower with hot and cool water, comfortable bed, pillow and blanket. There's water heater too, so if you need a drink or make instant food there's nothing to worry about. What's interesting for me is, the hotel allow visitor to bring their pet(s) with them!
TAPI.. Kamu harus bawa sikat gigi, odol dan shampoo sendiri atau kamu bisa beli di Sevel yang ada di seberabng hotel. Nggak ngerti kenapa mereka nggak menyediakan 2 benda itu, minus yang kutemukan di hotel itu cuma hal sepele ini sih. Tapi dari poin minus itu semuanya keren! Lokasinya yang strategis di tengah Bangkok memudahkan kamu kemanapun! Servisnya bagus, staffnya ramah, tempatnya yang cozy, makanan enak.. Yaass~
BUT.. You'll need to bring toothbrush, toothpaste and shampoo with you or buy them at 7-11 across the hotel. I don't know why they don't give you these that's only minus point I found from this hotel. Instead I got 3 shower caps hahaha. But for all, I still give this hotel 2 thumbs up! Located in the center of Bangkok so it's easy for you to go anywhere! Great service, friendly staffs, cozy atmosphere, delicious food for breakfast.. Yaass~
For more information:
TAPI.. Kamu harus bawa sikat gigi, odol dan shampoo sendiri atau kamu bisa beli di Sevel yang ada di seberabng hotel. Nggak ngerti kenapa mereka nggak menyediakan 2 benda itu, minus yang kutemukan di hotel itu cuma hal sepele ini sih. Tapi dari poin minus itu semuanya keren! Lokasinya yang strategis di tengah Bangkok memudahkan kamu kemanapun! Servisnya bagus, staffnya ramah, tempatnya yang cozy, makanan enak.. Yaass~
BUT.. You'll need to bring toothbrush, toothpaste and shampoo with you or buy them at 7-11 across the hotel. I don't know why they don't give you these that's only minus point I found from this hotel. Instead I got 3 shower caps hahaha. But for all, I still give this hotel 2 thumbs up! Located in the center of Bangkok so it's easy for you to go anywhere! Great service, friendly staffs, cozy atmosphere, delicious food for breakfast.. Yaass~
For more information:
Address: Soi Ngam Duphli Rama IV, Sathorn, BAngkok, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Phone: +66 2 659 2888
Ada pengalaman yang bikin aku meringis kalau diinget. Jujur aku nggak sharing ke temen-temen blogger lainnya *nyengir* biarkan aku dan kalian yang tahu, ya? *harap-harap cemas takut dibaca yang lain*
Jadi pas pagi-pagi banget aku ke sevel yang di seberang hotel karena belom sikat gigi dari semalemnya, rasa udangnya masih ada di gigi (huek-sorry). Penglihatanku yang buruk plus masih ngantuk bikin aku salah manggil-ngejer orang. Ada sosok yang kukira temen satu rombongan (Mas Yogi) jadi kupanggil ala tukang kurir (keras, tegas dan lugas)
"Mas! Mau sarapan ya?"
Sebenernya udah aneh, sarapan jam 5;20 itu sesuatu. Panggilanku ngga digubris, harusnya nyadar yak. Jadi aku susul dengan kecepatan cahaya biar ada temen pas di lift (parno naik lift) masih tetep pede aku bilang, "Tungguin dong!"
Pas sosok itu menoleh, rasanya mau balik bakul dan jalan nembus tembok. Salah orang aku mak. Tinggi, postur tubuh dan gaya rambut orang itu mirip temen rombonganku, tapi yang asli nggak keriputan dan matanya nggak berkantong -_- Terus orang itu jawab pakai bahasa asing yang mungkin Mandarin dengan air muka bingung.
Dia melirik dengan tatapan 'Apaan sih?' selama kami di dalam lift. *lenyapkanakutuhanyangmahapendengar* Eh paling ngga ada temenya lah =w=
Dari situ aku jadi ngekorin emak-emak blogger atau guide-nya. Daripada salah ngikutin orang dan kesasar wololol. Kita sering kehilangan jejak guidenya (langkahnya lebar) Noleh ke gedung sekitar 6 detik pas lihat ke depan dia udah jauuh. Kalo bisa pasti semua pada parkour untuk ngejer dia hahaha :V
Sepulang dari sevel aku masih ngutuk diri "Go.. Bego~oo~" masuk lift dan mencet angka 5 tanpa sadar. Pas di depan kamar 5xx aku masukin kartu kamar tapi ngga bisa kebuka. Baru ngeh kalau kamarku 6xx!! OMEJII... Tancap gas balik ke lift. Masih pagi otaknya belum siap beroperasi, maklum belom sarapan juga *bela diri*
Terima kasih Priceza Indonesia yang memberikan kesempatan untuk bermalam di Ibis Bangkok Sathorn Hotel! *terharu* Mau tahu kegiatan 3 hari aku dan ke-6 teman blogger lainnya di Bangkok? Baca postingan ini!
Terbang Ke Bangkok Bareng Priceza Indonesia
DAY 1 Keliling Bangkok Bareng Priceza Indonesia
Thanks Priceza Indonesia for letting me stay in Ibis Bangkok Sathorn Hotel in Bangkok *happy tears*
Thanks Priceza Indonesia for letting me stay in Ibis Bangkok Sathorn Hotel in Bangkok *happy tears*
10 komentar
sering juga saya menginap di Hotel Ibis, pelayanannya bagus
BalasHapuswaa asyiknya :D
HapusWah, belum pernah ngerasain nginep di hotel negeri orang nih. Harus segera terealisasi biar bisa review juga. Hehe.
BalasHapustapi tetep selebor saiah ==; amiiin~
HapusApaan tuh selebor? wkwk :D
Hapusceroboh, hihihi
HapusDuuh kakak keren bisa liburan dari menang lomba, btw lomba yng di ikutin pake bhs inggris ya ...
BalasHapusalhamdulillah ngga! hihihi
Hapusbangunan keren dan modern
BalasHapushotel di indo banyak yg ga kalah kok x3
HapusJangan pake link ya, terimakasih!