Kali ini aku mau melanjutkan dan memberikan gambaran detail waktu di Bangkok, baca post ini untuk tahu gimana aku bisa ke Bangkok ya! Yup, Januari lalu aku bersama 6 penulis tangguh lainnya terbang ke Bangkok, kami adalah sang juara (eaa) dari kompetisi menulis yang diadakan Priceza Indonesia. Kalau kamu hobi belanja online jangan lupa cek harga sebelum berbelanja di Priceza ya!
Okay, I want to write more about my adventure in Bangkok. Yup, me and 6 writers flied to Bangkok last month! We won a competition which held by Priceza Indonesia. If you like to comparing prices when shopping online then you'd love Priceza, try it out!
Okay, I want to write more about my adventure in Bangkok. Yup, me and 6 writers flied to Bangkok last month! We won a competition which held by Priceza Indonesia. If you like to comparing prices when shopping online then you'd love Priceza, try it out!
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After our stomach full-bright smile |
7 orang dengan kepribadian unik dipertemukan di bandara Soetta saat waktu subuh. Jujur aku grogi ketemu mereka, dari tulisannya kayaknya aku yang paling cangcimen. Semua kaget ternyata aku tinggi (dan tebal mwahahaha) Mereka ramah banget, kami sharing tentang dunia blogging, komunitas blogger dan hal-hal personal lainnya.
7 people with unique personalities met up at the airport at 5 AM. I was so nervous yet curious to see them because by reading their articles I feel like the noob between them. Everyone was surprised to see me in real life, that I'm tall and chubby lolol. They're all nice to me! *tears* we talked about personal life, blogging and stuff.
7 people with unique personalities met up at the airport at 5 AM. I was so nervous yet curious to see them because by reading their articles I feel like the noob between them. Everyone was surprised to see me in real life, that I'm tall and chubby lolol. They're all nice to me! *tears* we talked about personal life, blogging and stuff.
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Nice to meet you *w* |
Di pesawat alhamdulilah aku bisa tidur, malam sebelumnya terlalu nervous jadi tidur cuma 2 jam aja. Dan kami celingak-celinguk mencari Freddy, digital marketing Priceza Indonesia yang ditugaskan menemani kami selama di sana :D Kalau diingat sekarang kami ber-7 mirip anak itik yang ngekorin induknya lolol.
Thank God during the flight I fell asleep, the night before our trip to Bangkok I only slept about 2 hours. When we arrived at Don Mueang airport we tried to find Freddy the digital marketing of Priceza Indonesia. Now whenever I remember our trip by walking around on foot I laugh because we must have looked like a group of ducks who followed their mom then panicked whenever he's nowhere to be seen bwahahaha
Hotel yang kami tempati adalah Ibis Sathorn Hotel, nanti aku buat reviewnya deh ;) karena kami sudah ditunggu jadi nggak sempat rebahan sebentar haha langsung deh kami ke SENA Fest karena udah ditungguin CEO dan tim manejemennya. Naik taksi dan sedikit jalan kaki kami menikmati atmosfir kota Bangkok. Aku suka jalan kaki di tempat yang baru kukunjungi. Bisa ambil foto dan menikmati suasana sungguh-sungguh.
We stayed in Ibis Sathorn Hotel. I want to make short review about the hotel soon. We have been awaited by CEO and management team of Priceza so we went to SENA Fest right away after dropping luggage and changing our clothes. By riding a taxi and walking we enjoyed Bangkok's atmosphere. Personally I prefer to take a walk whenever I visit places I've never been so I can snap lots of photos ^w^
Thank God during the flight I fell asleep, the night before our trip to Bangkok I only slept about 2 hours. When we arrived at Don Mueang airport we tried to find Freddy the digital marketing of Priceza Indonesia. Now whenever I remember our trip by walking around on foot I laugh because we must have looked like a group of ducks who followed their mom then panicked whenever he's nowhere to be seen bwahahaha
Hotel yang kami tempati adalah Ibis Sathorn Hotel, nanti aku buat reviewnya deh ;) karena kami sudah ditunggu jadi nggak sempat rebahan sebentar haha langsung deh kami ke SENA Fest karena udah ditungguin CEO dan tim manejemennya. Naik taksi dan sedikit jalan kaki kami menikmati atmosfir kota Bangkok. Aku suka jalan kaki di tempat yang baru kukunjungi. Bisa ambil foto dan menikmati suasana sungguh-sungguh.
We stayed in Ibis Sathorn Hotel. I want to make short review about the hotel soon. We have been awaited by CEO and management team of Priceza so we went to SENA Fest right away after dropping luggage and changing our clothes. By riding a taxi and walking we enjoyed Bangkok's atmosphere. Personally I prefer to take a walk whenever I visit places I've never been so I can snap lots of photos ^w^
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Ibis Sathorn Hotel |
Kami disambut tim manajemen dan CEO Priceza Thailand. CEO Priceza Mr.Thanawat Malabuppha, Head Marketing Priceza Monlamai Vichienwanitchkul dan Content Marketing Executive Priceza Indonesia Restu Adjie. Mereka ramah dan welcome banget! Apalagi CEO Priceza, Mr. Thanawat Malabuppha. Beliau dengan sabar menjawab pertanyaan kami dan senyumannya itu.. Adem. Bikin orang ikut senyum :D Kami disuguhi macam-macam makanan Thailand. Short trip ini menyadarkanku kalau aku nggak bakatmenjadi food blogger soalnya aku selalu hajar makanannya tanpa ambil fotonya hihihi.
CEO and Co-founder of Priceza, Mr.Thanawat Malabuppha and management of Priceza: Head Marketing of Priceza Monlamai Vichienwanitchkul and Content Marketing Executive of Priceza Indonesia Restu Adjie welcomed us with smile! Mr. Thanawat's very very kind and patient to answered our questions (even I spoke too slow oh god why) and I'm not the only one who thinks his smile is contagious xD They made our stomach full with lots of Thai dishes! In this trip I realized I have got no hope to be a food blogger because I just eat the food in instant and forget to take photos -_- But hey, I got some photos yo! Maybe there's 10% hope for me? *laughs nervously*
CEO and Co-founder of Priceza, Mr.Thanawat Malabuppha and management of Priceza: Head Marketing of Priceza Monlamai Vichienwanitchkul and Content Marketing Executive of Priceza Indonesia Restu Adjie welcomed us with smile! Mr. Thanawat's very very kind and patient to answered our questions (even I spoke too slow oh god why) and I'm not the only one who thinks his smile is contagious xD They made our stomach full with lots of Thai dishes! In this trip I realized I have got no hope to be a food blogger because I just eat the food in instant and forget to take photos -_- But hey, I got some photos yo! Maybe there's 10% hope for me? *laughs nervously*
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Di depan Indah dan Mas Yogi |
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di depanku dan Bang Bai |
CEO-nya ramah kebangetan, dengerin aku dan Bang Bai yang kepo tentang makanan yang disajikan. Kami saling tanya dan komen "Ini mirip soto ya?" "Ini mirip kwetiau tapi rasanya seger!" Rasa masakan Thailand punya ciri khas tersendiri, asem-pedas-manis, pokoknya seger! Pertama kali nyicip makanan Thailand di Bangkok itu sesuatu buatku hihi~
Mr. Thanawat's soo friendly, he listened to me and Bang Bai who were trying the dishes. There were few dishes that looked similar to Indonesian dishes but have different taste of course. The taste are mixed of sour-sweet-spicy, can I use the phrase 'Falling in love at the first try" for Thai food please? YESSS FAM, I'M IN LOVE WITH THAI FOOD. I can eat mango sticky rice and pad thai everyday~ First time trying Thai food in Bangkok, I'm so lucky~ what a time to be alive *v*)
Mr. Thanawat's soo friendly, he listened to me and Bang Bai who were trying the dishes. There were few dishes that looked similar to Indonesian dishes but have different taste of course. The taste are mixed of sour-sweet-spicy, can I use the phrase 'Falling in love at the first try" for Thai food please? YESSS FAM, I'M IN LOVE WITH THAI FOOD. I can eat mango sticky rice and pad thai everyday~ First time trying Thai food in Bangkok, I'm so lucky~ what a time to be alive *v*)
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Smile! |
After that our guide lead us to Priceza office. We meet awesome people behind Priceza, thanks for allowing us to visit you! Hope we didn't disturb you >w< And we met Mr.Thanawat for the second time! That's me.. happy and nervous at the same time ^^;
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Priceza Office |
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*click* |
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whose hand was that? |
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*click!* |
Based on schedule we should have gone to Chatuchak market but since it's not weekend the possibility of the market won't be crowded as we wished (if you're a woman you'll understand this wont you?) So we went to Caturday cafe!!!
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Caturday Cafe |
Untuk sampai di sana kami naik BTS. Dalam perjalanan ini kami ber-7 sadar kalau Freddy jalannya cepet pake banget. Melihat keindahan kota Bangkok sekitar 5 detik terus lihat ke depan tour guidenya udah nggak kelihatan :v Tadinya aku curiga dia pakai sepatu roda ternyata langkahnya lebar. Naik BTS seru tapi harus lihat-lihat jam juga karena kalau barengan dengan jam pulang kantor kita sempit-sempitan berasa di dalam kaleng sarden. Eh cowok-cowok Thailand ganteng ya (slap)
We had to go by BTS to reach Caturday. On our way to BTS station we (all 7) just realized that Freddy walks so fast, as fast as the wind. When we were admiring and taking photos of buildings and traffic for 5 seconds then looked around-he's nowhere to be seen omg. I was suspicious that he wore roller skates but nope it's just how he walks :v It was a great experience to ride BTS :D Our guide was strict about time to avoid busy hour *thumbs up* b^^)b
We had to go by BTS to reach Caturday. On our way to BTS station we (all 7) just realized that Freddy walks so fast, as fast as the wind. When we were admiring and taking photos of buildings and traffic for 5 seconds then looked around-he's nowhere to be seen omg. I was suspicious that he wore roller skates but nope it's just how he walks :v It was a great experience to ride BTS :D Our guide was strict about time to avoid busy hour *thumbs up* b^^)b
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*inget hari terakhir bikin keselek kartu BTS* |
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Happily waiting |
Dari 8 orang dalam rombongan ini ada 2 orang yang takut kucing, Mba Vika dan Indah >_< Kelihatan kontras kalau ada kucing yang mendatangi meja kami, mba Vika dan Indah kaget-histeris aku dan mba Nurul histeris dengan kelucuan si kucing ^^; Ada satu kucing yang kalem dan mau diajak wefie (tapi digarukin dulu kepalanya baru mau) Bomat (bodo amat) lah nungging-nungging dikit lol.
Between 8 of us there were 2 person who were frightened to came inside the cafe. Mba Vika and Indah >_< so when a cat approached our table Mba Vika and Indah would shout in surprise, me and Mba Nurul in other hand were hypnotized by the fur ball *w* There was a calm and charming cat that was easy to woo so here's our wefie!!
Between 8 of us there were 2 person who were frightened to came inside the cafe. Mba Vika and Indah >_< so when a cat approached our table Mba Vika and Indah would shout in surprise, me and Mba Nurul in other hand were hypnotized by the fur ball *w* There was a calm and charming cat that was easy to woo so here's our wefie!!
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Imma hug you all! |
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soo cute *the cat, i know* |
Satisfied with full stomach and chit chat we went to Chao Phraya and enjoyed the sight with tourist boat to reach Wat Poh to see Sleeping Buddha Temple and Wat Arun to see Dawn Temple! Um, there was unforgetable moment that makes me cringe whenever I remember it. There was a tourist who disliked me because I wore a hijab =3= I wanted to say something like this ->"Are you a red light? Because stop." Thank God Freddy came right before my sassy tounge take an action hahaha '~'
How I reacted outside: Huh?
How I reacted inside: WHATTHE@!%SDUEFNZX!!!?
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Chao Phraya Tourist Boat |
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Chao Phraya Tourist Boat |
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i still remember the wind that day~ |
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Wat Pho |
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Sleeping Buddha-Wat Pho |
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Wat Pho |
We didn't have a chance to go back to hotel and just went right away to River City from Wat Pho. We're going to had our dinner at the cruise!!! *o* I never thought of that in my life-not in a bit. We were worried about look and smell but screw that, we're too fab to worry about it ;D
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keren ya *w* |
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inget timbangan... |
Before we met we already talked in a group chat and our guide promised big shrimps to us *heart eyes* Unfortunately we couldn't find that shrimp, Mba Nurul said "I couldn't find it, dek" We were about to cry (lolol) but then Freddy came with a plate full of shrimps!! ~(QwQ)~ There's a saying not all heroes wear capes, he's a life saver for us! I think he didn't expect to see our happy-cheerful child-like reaction so he brought us another plate :V But in the end we couldn't finish it. I thought why didn't I bring that plastic shower cap from hotel with me (slapped)
Ditemani live music kami menikmati kecantikan Bangkok di malam hari. Angin malamnya bikin rileks plus perut full, hasilnya? Ngantuk. =3= Padahal di agenda kami masih harus shopping di Asiatique. Dan bener aja pas sampai di Asiatique dan melihat dagangan oleh-oleh khas Thailand mata kami (para wanita) langsung melek. Yang cowok udah kecapean, sorry ya Bang Bai, Mas Juliawan dan Mas Yogi hahaha. Akhirnya aku yang udah nggak enak bodi lunglai juga, ancungi jempol buat para emaks yang semangat 45 hunting oleh-oleh malam itu! ^^)b
With live music everyone was pleased to see Bangkok city at night. The sceneries I'll keep in my mind! The wind and full stomach made us too chill and sleepy =3= Freddy reminded us about the schedule, after this we're going to Asiatique. And of course our sleepy eyes (women eyes only lol) suddenly got brightened when we stepped in Asiatique area and saw stores that sell Thai gifts and merchandise. The guys already tired and lacked of enthusiasm. After walking around for a while I couldn't continue gift hunting anymore. Please give your best applause to emak-emak bloggers who had some power left for shopping!
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I didn't take any photos low battery and energy -_- |
Untuk petualangan hari ke 2 dan 3 dilanjutkan nanti ya! I'll write another story we had in Bangkok soon, see you!
25 komentar
asyiknya ya mbak bisa diajak jalan2 ke bangkok...aku kapan ya? salam kenal mbak
BalasHapusiya mba alhamdulilah :D pantengin lomba-lomba aja mba, siapa tau menang :D
HapusSeru banget jalan2 di Bangkok nya mba.. Coba kalau kita kenal lebih awal ya, bisa meet up di Bangkok. Saya domisili di Thailand skrg. hehe. Btw, itu somtam nya seger banget.. Bikin ileran.
BalasHapusAku suka lho baca2 review mba Annafi. Aku follow blog nya ^^
Main2 kerumah kami juga mba, www.theamazingjasmi.com
aah mbaa~ kenapa kita tidak dipertemukan? TTATT
Hapusaku lupa nama-nama makanannya lol. Makasih mba, aku udah follow back ya :)
Makasih ya mba udah folback.. Udah temenan kan di fb. Kalo ke Thailand lagi, kabar2i yaw..
Hapusiya, nanti aku nanya2 ya mba :D
HapusSiiipppooo.. Syukur2 bisa meet up.. hehe
Hapuswahhhh, beruntung banget mba, :) rejekinya bagus yah jalan-jalan luar negeri :)
BalasHapusmotivasi banget, mudah-mudahan tulisan aku makin berkembang juga :)
amiin, makasih ya :D aku juga masih improvisasi kok ^^
Hapusamin :) sama-sama. blognya aku udah follow yah. :D
HapusKita masih belum move on hahahaha
BalasHapusbelom xD 3 hari kurang wkwkwk
HapusKeren ya kantornya.. lucky you mba
BalasHapusthank you mba :D iya kantornya pewe~
HapusIni momen yang nggak bisa dilupakan ya, kebersamaan dan keseruan yang benar-benar menguras energi :)
BalasHapushari pertama masih canggung ya :D
Hapuskeknya gaetnya ganteng ya mba Annafi hehe.
Hahaha, bisa salah fokus ya non~ Coba folus deh, pasti nemu link blog gaetnya di page ini :D
HapusSaya suka artikelnya!!!!
BalasHapusKamu luar biasa!
makasih Mas CL! #Dilemparskripsi
HapusSalut sm anak muda yg kreatif...hasil bs dinikmati, jalan2 ke Bangkok. Keren yaa.
BalasHapusThanks udh follow.
Udh d folbek.
ada emak-emak blogger juga lho ^^
Hapusthank you! :D
Whalah, keren2 banget fotonya. Jadi pengen ke bangkok juga. Nice article Fii ;)
BalasHapusinsya allah kita ke sana bareng (event blogger gt hihihi)
HapusAmin. Semoga ada lagi ye Fii, biar kite barengan :D
HapusJangan pake link ya, terimakasih!